Surgical Procedures

Are you are looking to restore or rejuvenate your appearance? You may need to pursue a surgical option. Dr Moko offers a wide range of procedures that can help you attain your desired result. She is highly passionate about helping those affected by trauma (scarring and burns), cancer, birth defects and the effects of ageing. She has the ability to improve your body image and overall wellbeing.

» Breast

Dr Moko is experienced in all areas of breast surgery. Whether your goal is breast enlargement, lift, reduction, reconstruction, or male breast reduction (gynaecomastia), your needs can be addressed through one of the procedures. Read more…

» Face/Neck

Improving facial harmony may require surgery, such as brow lifting, eyelid reshaping, nose reshaping, ear surgery or face/neck lift. Read more…

» Body

Do you have sagging skin and excess fat on the abdomen? Are you self conscious about your arms, buttocks, thighs, or elongated labia? You may wish to consider the benefits of a tummy tuck, arm reduction, liposuction or labiaplasty. Read more…

For more information on this and other procedures contact us on 07 5580 9244 or send us an email.